Teuvel'Khilat / Seeking

From House of Khilat



The sword is effective against invisible and hidden opponents.


The sword veers towards its target, negating concealment penalties from invisibility, darkness, camouflage and hiding. This power is available during melee and when thrown.

Spell Sheath

The wielder can cast spells into the blade, sacrificing their magical power to enhance the sword. The spells can be cast from memory or device. The type of spell determines the magical sheath power as indicated below. The sword can only be enhanced with one sacrificed spell at a time, with a new spell immediately replacing the benefits of the previous.

Energy Sheath

If the sacrificed spell dealt damage of a particular energy type, the blade radiates that energy type, including any special properties (moonlight affecting lycanthropes, etc.). If the spell has more than one energy type, the wielder selects which type the sword radiates at the time the spell is cast. Subsequent spells with energy types immediately replace the effects of the previous spell. The energy radiated lasts for as many rounds as the spell level plus an additional round for every 3 class levels of the spellcaster. Every successful melee attack delivers an additional 1d6 of damage of that energy type, while a critical hit will deliver 1d10 instead.


If the sacrificed spell doesn’t have a particular energy type, the sword’s bonus to hit increases by +1 per spell level of the sacrificed spell. The bonus to hit decreases each round until it reaches +1 which will last an additional round for every 3 levels of the caster. The wielder also gains an initiative bonus of +1 for as long a the blade retains the bonus to hit.

Sacrificing a subsequent spell only provides benefits if bonuses exceed the current bonuses (casting a fifth level when when the sword has dropped to +4 will bump the sword back to +5 for a round), otherwise the new spell is wasted.







Owl - on back. 


Two owl wings of silver, gold and bronze extend from each side of the ricasso. The feathers are sharp and separated at the outer edge. In long sword form, the tines are 4 inches wide for a 10 inch wingspan. On the back side of the ricasso, the body of the owl is worked onto the blade in silver, gold and bronze work with two golden tiger's eye gemstones framed in platinum circles appearing like the owl's face.