Teuvel'Khilat / Seeking

From House of Khilat



The sword is effective against invisible and hidden opponents.


The sword veers towards its target, negating concealment penalties from invisibility, darkness, camouflage, hiding and existence on another plane.

This power is available during melee and when thrown.


Similar to the powers of a cockatrice, the magic of the blade can breach the barriers between planes to attack extra-planar opponents. It can strike targets on the Astral, Ethereal, Shadow and various pocket dimensions, so long as the target is subject to physical attack on their plane of existence. Attacks are made with a penalty of one magical plus from the sword.

When this power is activated, the blade is clearly visible and tangible on the target’s plane of existence. If the opponent can make attacks into the wielder’s plane, any penalty they may have had due to the wielder being a hidden opponent is reduced by half, so a -4 penalty against invisible targets is treated as -2 instead.


The sword will provide warning when invisible or hidden enemies are within 100 yards. It will wake the wielder from sleep when enemies approach.







Eye - on front.


Purple Cat's Eye gemstones serve as the silver dragon's eyes. While not a silver dragon trait, purple eyes are common in the Khilat family line due to Deep Dragon heritage. The stones glow a faint purple when the sword detects hidden opponents.