Aradrym Sept

From House of Khilat

The Aradrym sept is a minor branch of Dreamsong loyal to the noble House of Khilat. The Aradrym clan associated with Dreamsong when it first became a powerful merchant house, before the drawing of the Moonblade that established the House of Khilat among the Noble Elven families.

Aradrym accepted two families of the House of Vyshaan into their house, at the request of Khilat and the Dreamsong Patriarch. The Vyshaan families were fleeing the reputation of their evil house, and were granted asylum and sequestered for a full generation. The Vyshaan families were very grateful and adopted the name of Aradrym, intermarried and full integrated into the sept. The original Vyshaan member were bound to certain Bralani Eladrin of good character, and as a result Aradrym members have been known to be able to access the powers of Vyshaan magic artifacts, which has proven both dangerous and of benefit in battling the ancient evil.

The Aradrym's primary estate is in the Grey Cloaks.

Appearance and Traits

Aradrym are Moon and Gold elves, with typical features of each. Moon elves outnumber the Gold elves by 3 to 1, but many families are mixed.

This lesser branch is known for producing large numbers of fighters, including Bladesingers, War Mages, and Elven Knights. Many of the Gold Elven members also serve as merchants who trade goods between Elven enclaves throughout Faerun. Others are skilled artisans, producing art and magic weapons and armor.


The insignia of the sept is a silver sword with seven gold stars on the blade and a nimbus of blue.

Colors for the sept are gold and blue.

Notable Members

Patriarch: Lady Lyraesa Aradrym - Mi16 (CG)

Heir: Lord Erildar Aradrym - C8/R7 (CG) Ranger of Solonor Thelandira

Mage: Lady Dasyra Aradrym - W20 (CG) High Mage

Protector: Lord Seldarion Aradrym - R14 (NG) Forester of Khalreshaar

Priest: Lady Celia Aradrym - C14 (CG) Starsinger of Sehanine Moonbow

Aradrym Family Members


  • Dream Cleaver - Sharpness +4 Long Sword, Int 16, AL NG, . It is reserved for ceremonial occasions.
  • Ar'Kiira'Aradrym - This Tel'Kiira is retained by the house leader.
  • Kiira'Aradrym - This Kiira is controlled by the highest ranking High Mage of the Aradrym Sept, typically the wizard holding the archmage position of the house.

Standard Items

  • Avarphyn'Aradrym - Bracers of Defense +2 to +4, faerie fire highlighting Dreamsong symbol (Major 3/day 1 turn duration: chromatic blade, fire eyes, teleport without error; Minor 1 turn duration: charm person, color spray, dancing lights, dispel magic, protection from evil, 10', shatter)
  • Giiraegisir'Aradrym - AC 0 for 5 rounds, and dimension door opens and is available for use within the 5 rounds. Cameo of the sept insignia. The brooch will only function for the person to which it has been issued and attuned by a house leader. It can also serve as a key to gain access to various parts of the house estates.

House Relationships


Dreamsong's minor branches are Aradrym, Starsong and Shelrae, who hold allegiance to the House of Khilat. The leaders at each level are bound together by family secrets and magic bonding between Kiira.


House of Imesfor

The Dreamsong's support the House of Imesfor.



The House of Khilat, and it's major Septs of Dreamsong, Silverbow and Meadowdancer are ancient enemies of the ancient ruling House of Vyshaan. They secretly guard the ancient Vyshaan strongholds hidden in the mountains of Evereska.

Evil Dragons

The House of Khilat, and it's major Septs of Dreamsong and Silverbow routinely hunt evil dragons, and have a particularly viciousness against shadow and deep dragons.