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* [[Khilat Moonblade - Elian | Moonblade]]
* [[Khilat Moonblade - Elian | Moonblade]]
# Moonblade (+2); The sword can shift between metal and moon light, and can alter its size to be a dagger, short sword, long sword, bastard sword or great-sword. It wields as a short sword with regard to encumbrance, weight, speed factor and ease of use, and always gains the Elven racial short sword benefit. Anyone proficient in any of its forms is proficient with this blade. The sword's shape can be changed at will, taking as little as half a second to resize; and the sword will often do so during combat if its wielder is proficient in more than one of its forms. Transforming between shapes restores the weapon to perfection, removing any nicks or damage; effective even when shattered and all the pieces are in physical contact.

When melee is engaged, silvery moonglow baths the blade making it effective against creatures only hit by +4 or better weapons.  Its strike drains vitality or life force causing an additional 4 points of damage. Undead are visibly wounded by the moonglow; their substance boils away from its touch, and they suffer double damage (weapons base+magic bonus+4 times 2) per blow. 

On a successful strike against an opponent, the moonglow temporarily scrambles their magic. On the round after being hit, victims cannot cast spells or call on any spell-like abilities. Existing spells cease to function for the round, and magical items wielded by the victim do not function either. <br>


Motes of Moonlight; seven times a day, the sword can generate 50 glowing silvery motes of pale moonlight which remain in place for up to 2 hours unless dismissed early or negated by magical means. The motes can form a line extending 150' or a 30' radius circle. Priests of Eilistraee, Sehanine and Selune standing among the motes are treated as if they were standing in the light of a full moon. The wielder can also detect Elven spirits within the area of motes, including those contained in objects, magic items, animals, plants or free roaming.  The Moonfire blessing of Selune increases the mote count to 75 in a radius of 45' or line of 220' for a duration of 3 hours.  


<br>Cone of Moonlight; Once per day, the sword can project a Cone of Moonlight that extends to 50’ with a 20' width. It reveals shape changed or polymorphed creatures, forcing them to their true form on a failed save, otherwise outlining them. The cone negates all electrical attacks in its path. The Moonfire blessing of Selune increases the extent from 50' to 70'. 

<br>'''Rune''': Moon - on front. 
<br>'''Feature''': A layer of silver over a wider layer of blue mithral plating on the sword's cutting edge creates a halo effect around the darkmetal blade core. The moonglow of the blade comes from the shiny halo area and the moonstone. Near the base of the blade, a couple of inches above the cross guard, the blade is flared in a circle with the image of the moon. Imbedded in the blade to be visible from both sides, just below the moon circle, is a 1/2 inch round clear moonstone that always displays an image of the moon in its current phase. 
<br>'''Rite''':  Lord Elian gathered 3 Starsingers and 7 Knights of the 7th Order of the Seven Sacred Mysteries, along with the silver dragon Khilat. The ceremony was held in an ancient moon temple high in the Star Mounts, under a bright full moon and clear sky in a field of Motes of Moonlight and a Moonbeam spell. Using a quart of Khilat's dragon blood, the Starsingers called Moonfire onto the alter to bathe Lord Elian and the sword. Each of the knights called forth Moon Blade spells in the shapes of their preferred swords and dubbed Lord Elian and the sword which absorbed each of the seven magic blades. Lord Elian cast Detect Spirits at the same moment his own spirit was bound to the blade and he watched it pass into the moonstone.

* [[Khilat Moonblade - Lyassa | Dreamwarning]]
# Dreamwarning; the sword's owner receives a prophetic dream warning of danger within one day.  The pommel stone will glow blue if danger is imminent, starting pale when the danger is within a turn and moving towards brilliant blue as it gets closer.  The glow can be cancelled by the wielder at will.

Attempts to surprise the wielder are reduced by 5 on a d6 or 8 on a d10. 

Spending 2 hours within a radius of motes of moonlight allows the wielder to cast divination to garner one piece of advice for any event in the coming 7 days. Spending the time in revere or sleep allows for up to two pieces of advice each hour in the motes, but the information is hazier due to the dream state. 

<br>The sword is also imbued with Elven and Dragon melody that can be called forth on command, but often times the sword sings of its own accord, particularly when its owner is sleeping and dreaming.  The words of the melody can only be heard in the owner’s dreams.

<br>When the Silver Dragon Khilat chose to ascend to serve Bahumat at the twilight of his life, he took the magic ring that contained the soul of his first wife, the Silver Dragon Halel, and sang a draconic ballad as part of the ritual to ascend. Lady Lyassa sang with him and the spirit of Halel who was released during the magic of Khilat's ascension song. Lady Lyassa, with the help of several high mages of the Khilat family, created a link between the moonblade and the ascending spirit. This seemed to be the best way for Khilat to continue to guide his elven and dragon family, since the elves do not establish a clan lair. He will always converse with any family member, elven or dragon, seeking his wisdom. Most silver dragons will approach in disguise, and only some of them will acknowledge the wielder as family. Khilat thinks highly of himself and that his role to provide wisdom is more important than the wielder's goals. He often loses track of time and will spend days, weeks and even months alone with the wisdom seeker.  Khilat will offer advice and answer questions about the past at will. Silver dragons can detect Khilat when within 1 mile of the blade. 

The spirit of Khilat can awaken one innate dragon power in any of his  descendants typically based on the dominate inheritance of either silver, deep or shadow dragon.<br>

'''Rune''': Music - on back. <br>
'''Feature''': Khilat family symbol of shiny silver dragon over dull dark gray and crimson dragon cut out of the flared moon circle of the blade. The Silver dragon is typically on top, but they change positions at times, especially during warnings of danger or ominous prophetic dreaming.  The dragons are highly detailed with gleaming gem chips for eyes.  A single crystal clear King's Tear gem stone is mounted just above the symbol pointed side towards the sword tip, visible on both sides. 
<br>'''Rite''': Lady Lyassa gathered a chorus of singers including two other Sisters of the Veiled Choir, three Starsingers specialized in divination, three male gypsy bards, three Song Dragons, and three male metallic dragon Dragon Singers, including a gold, bronze and the silver dragon Khilat, who's moonfire powered blood had already baptized the blade.  Their music was accompanied by Ilyriciel’s Harp of Valantra. They sang in the Crystal Cave of Divination Veiled Cantoria where the crystals enhance divination spells. During the singing, the participants cast several types of divination spells, including Foresight and Vision, and clairsentient psionic abilities, including Precognition, All-Around Vision and Danger Sense, upon the sword. Lady Lyassa cast Foresight and Vision during a spellsinging ritual of high magic, while binding her spirit to the moonstone of the blade. 

# Dreamwarning; the sword's owner receives a prophetic dream warning of danger within one day.  The pommel stone will glow blue if danger is imminent, starting pale when the danger is within a turn and moving towards brilliant blue as it gets closer.  The glow can be cancelled by the wielder at will.

Attempts to surprise the wielder are reduced by 5 on a d6 or 8 on a d10. 

Spending 2 hours within a radius of motes of moonlight allows the wielder to cast divination to garner one piece of advice for any event in the coming 7 days. Spending the time in revere or sleep allows for up to two pieces of advice each hour in the motes, but the information is hazier due to the dream state. 

<br>The sword is also imbued with Elven and Dragon melody that can be called forth on command, but often times the sword sings of its own accord, particularly when its owner is sleeping and dreaming.  The words of the melody can only be heard in the owner’s dreams.

<br>When the Silver Dragon Khilat chose to ascend to serve Bahumat at the twilight of his life, he took the magic ring that contained the soul of his first wife, the Silver Dragon Halel, and sang a draconic ballad as part of the ritual to ascend. Lady Lyassa sang with him and the spirit of Halel who was released during the magic of Khilat's ascension song. Lady Lyassa, with the help of several high mages of the Khilat family, created a link between the moonblade and the ascending spirit. This seemed to be the best way for Khilat to continue to guide his elven and dragon family, since the elves do not establish a clan lair. He will always converse with any family member, elven or dragon, seeking his wisdom. Most silver dragons will approach in disguise, and only some of them will acknowledge the wielder as family. Khilat thinks highly of himself and that his role to provide wisdom is more important than the wielder's goals. He often loses track of time and will spend days, weeks and even months alone with the wisdom seeker.  Khilat will offer advice and answer questions about the past at will. Silver dragons can detect Khilat when within 1 mile of the blade. 

The spirit of Khilat can awaken one innate dragon power in any of his  descendants typically based on the dominate inheritance of either silver, deep or shadow dragon.<br>

'''Rune''': Music - on back. <br>
'''Feature''': Khilat family symbol of shiny silver dragon over dull dark gray and crimson dragon cut out of the flared moon circle of the blade. The Silver dragon is typically on top, but they change positions at times, especially during warnings of danger or ominous prophetic dreaming.  The dragons are highly detailed with gleaming gem chips for eyes.  A single crystal clear King's Tear gem stone is mounted just above the symbol pointed side towards the sword tip, visible on both sides. 
<br>'''Rite''': Lady Lyassa gathered a chorus of singers including two other Sisters of the Veiled Choir, three Starsingers specialized in divination, three male gypsy bards, three Song Dragons, and three male metallic dragon Dragon Singers, including a gold, bronze and the silver dragon Khilat, who's moonfire powered blood had already baptized the blade.  Their music was accompanied by Ilyriciel’s Harp of Valantra. They sang in the Crystal Cave of Divination Veiled Cantoria where the crystals enhance divination spells. During the singing, the participants cast several types of divination spells, including Foresight and Vision, and clairsentient psionic abilities, including Precognition, All-Around Vision and Danger Sense, upon the sword. Lady Lyassa cast Foresight and Vision during a spellsinging ritual of high magic, while binding her spirit to the moonstone of the blade. 

# Speed (+3); The sword always strikes first in a melee round, even though some magic effect might have otherwise slowed the wielder’s speed or reaction time.  Further, the wielder’s attacks per melee round are increased by one place; 1 attach per round is increased to 3 attacks every 2 rounds, etc.  The Speed function only works while the sword in held for hand to hand combat, though it may be used to throw the blade.

Once per day, the sword can cast Haste to affect up to 12 allies within 40’ for 15 rounds.  Alternately, the sword can cast Time Stop, causing all creatures, objects and spells within a 15’ radius shimmering sphere to freeze in time.  The sword wielder gains 1d3 rounds to perform actions within the sphere.  During the Time Stop a large hummingbird often appears within the sphere of effect. Once the Time Stop spell has completed, the sword will not be able to use the powers of speed, Haste or Time Stop for one month.

The blade itself routinely shifts back and forth through time with the appearance of a blur spell during hand to hand combat, making it difficult to parry with a -2 penalty.  When the blade glows in the dark, this creates a strobe like effect. This effect can be disconcerting to the inexperienced wielder who watches the blade in combat instead of feeling and becoming one with the blade. 

<br>'''Rune''': Time - on  front. 
<br>'''Feature''': 12 gem stones surround the Khilat family symbol on front and back in a circle of white gold. The top cardinal point is a clear King's Tear, the bottom cardinal point is a moonstone and the other two cardinal points are star sapphires, and the remaining stones are smaller cut diamonds. During a time stop, the stones will glow and turn off one by one to count the duration of time stop. Haste will light a number of stones equal to the number of allies affected, pulsing in a counter clockwise circle, starting fast and slowing until the spell expires. At all other times, a faint glow of one or two stones shows the hour of the day, while the moonstone shows the current phase of the moon. <br>
'''Rite''': Lord Walian conducted his ceremony in the temporal disturbance of a time gate with the assistance of two other Knights Paradoxical; a Chronologian of Labelas Enoreth and a Temporal Champion Bard historian. All three cast Time Stop in the same area at the same time and once inside the sphere of stopped time, they cast Blur, Haste, Slow and Temporal Anomaly, while Lord Walian cast Temporal Stasis as he bound his spirit to the blade's moonstone. Lord Walian's familiar, a giant hummingbird, disappeared into the time stream. 

# Speed (+3); The sword always strikes first in a melee round, even though some magic effect might have otherwise slowed the wielder’s speed or reaction time.  Further, the wielder’s attacks per melee round are increased by one place; 1 attach per round is increased to 3 attacks every 2 rounds, etc.  The Speed function only works while the sword in held for hand to hand combat, though it may be used to throw the blade.

Once per day, the sword can cast Haste to affect up to 12 allies within 40’ for 15 rounds.  Alternately, the sword can cast Time Stop, causing all creatures, objects and spells within a 15’ radius shimmering sphere to freeze in time.  The sword wielder gains 1d3 rounds to perform actions within the sphere.  During the Time Stop a large hummingbird often appears within the sphere of effect. Once the Time Stop spell has completed, the sword will not be able to use the powers of speed, Haste or Time Stop for one month.

The blade itself routinely shifts back and forth through time with the appearance of a blur spell during hand to hand combat, making it difficult to parry with a -2 penalty.  When the blade glows in the dark, this creates a strobe like effect. This effect can be disconcerting to the inexperienced wielder who watches the blade in combat instead of feeling and becoming one with the blade. 

<br>'''Rune''': Time - on  front. 
<br>'''Feature''': 12 gem stones surround the Khilat family symbol on front and back in a circle of white gold. The top cardinal point is a clear King's Tear, the bottom cardinal point is a moonstone and the other two cardinal points are star sapphires, and the remaining stones are smaller cut diamonds. During a time stop, the stones will glow and turn off one by one to count the duration of time stop. Haste will light a number of stones equal to the number of allies affected, pulsing in a counter clockwise circle, starting fast and slowing until the spell expires. At all other times, a faint glow of one or two stones shows the hour of the day, while the moonstone shows the current phase of the moon. <br>
'''Rite''': Lord Walian conducted his ceremony in the temporal disturbance of a time gate with the assistance of two other Knights Paradoxical; a Chronologian of Labelas Enoreth and a Temporal Champion Bard historian. All three cast Time Stop in the same area at the same time and once inside the sphere of stopped time, they cast Blur, Haste, Slow and Temporal Anomaly, while Lord Walian cast Temporal Stasis as he bound his spirit to the blade's moonstone. Lord Walian's familiar, a giant hummingbird, disappeared into the time stream. 

Revision as of 01:00, 21 June 2014

An heirloom of the Elven House of Khilat, this moonblade had been passed down through the generations. The blade was lost and lay dormant for many generations after its owner became Lythari and left civilization behind. It was later retrieved by a Knight of the Fellowship of the Forgotten Flower but was lost again in the fall of Myth Drannor, and subsequently taken to the lower planes. While under the mental control of a former owner of the moonblade, Chiliad Khilat used his amulet of the planes to open a portal and summon the sword.

The sword was created by Lumiel Miritar, a Master Swordsmith artisan priest of Corellon Larethian as the culmination of his crafting skills, taking 50 years to complete, with the blessings of all the Seldarine. First, he formed the outer edges from folded layers of Arandur, a rare silver-blue metal famous for staying sharp, and further blessed and magically hardened by priests of Labelas Enoreth. Inside the outer edges, he crafted a grill of small black adamantium circles to provide the underlying framework and structure of the blade. Each circle was silver plated to appear as a quarter moon, and each contains an 8 pointed titanium silver star, individually blessed by Corellon. He obtained a block of pure Dwarven "True Silver" Mithral that had been hidden in an ancient shrine of Sehanine Moonbow and blesses with numerous Moonfire ceremonies making it living metal. He mixed in ingots of Obdurium, a pale violet metal harder than adamantium, and Arambarium, a silver metal tuned to primordial and elemental energies that enhances magic. Working for decades, he carefully molded the living Mithral alloy over the adamantium framework to form a mastercraft blade of perfection. Over the Mithral, he laminated a foil of cold iron Darksteel, a deep gleaming purple meteoric alloy tempered with special oils blessed by priests of Hanali Celanil. The completed blade of the sword then underwent the ancient Dwarven blueshine process to purge any fractures or weakness while providing resistance to acid and corrosion, and any future rusting. The tang of the blade is a thick walled tube of adamantium wrapped with wires of gold, silver and platinum gifted from the horde of Avachel. Sealed in the tube of the tang is a single perfect feather of a mighty phoenix servant of Aerdrie Faenya. Made of Dlarun, a bone-white metal that can take a high polish and appears like ivory, the cross guard has the form of a crescent moon that curves towards the handle. The cylindrical tubelike handle was designed to thread securely by twisting onto the wire braided tang. The handle was crafted from Duskwood, a wood as hard as steel, by a druid of Rillifane Ralathil, who blessed it with an Ironwood spell and seasoned it with Fairy Dust collected from avatars of Erevan Illesere. The handle has a fine inlay of Holy Moon-touched Oak and Weirwood that had been temporarily transformed into a Treant. The wood inlay inscribes symbols of totemic magic drawn by totem-sisters of Angharradh. The handle ferrules capping each end are made from thin rings of unicorn horn, collected from a unicorn servant of Khalreshaar that died of old age, and was blessed by her Druid. Threaded onto the adamantium rod tang, the pommel piece is made of platinum and extends the handle a few additional inches. The pommel knob is a hollow conic bulb of platinum, with a depression at the end, and a loop for a lanyard. Sealed inside the pommel is hair from Fenmarel Mestarine. The pommel stone is mounted in a mother of pearl clasp carved from the pearlescent shell of a steel oyster blessed by Sea Druids of Deep Sashelas. The pommel stone is a large deep blue star moonstone, bathed in moonfire and blessed by a Starsinger of Sehanine Moonbow. The final product had mending cast on it to turn the sword into a single piece. At its completion, the Mastercraft sword with its blessings was equivalent to a magical +1 weapon.

The Moonblades were brought to life in -9,000 DR by an Aryvandaari High Mage named Ethlando, and a Circle of Elven High Magi. The blades were enchanted with magic cast by the Circle to judge those who were worthy of wielding them, and to empower them, based on the exploits of the wielder, and past wielders. The completion of the High Magic resulted in the sacrifice of Ethlando as his life force and spirit was divided and bound to the 300 master crafted swords created for the ceremony.

Since the swords creation, each owner has completed a simple ceremony that bound a portion of their spirit (requiring 5,000 experience points) to the blade for as long as the blade retains its magic. Transferred with the spirit of the owner, personality and knowledge are added to the storehouse of information from previous owners. Further, each owner contributed a finely crafted, rare or precious material to be incorporated into the sword having a value of at least 5,000 gold pieces. The material selected typically has properties related to the power the user wishes to imbue into the sword. The material gets magically incorporated to enhance the overall value, aesthetics and craftsmanship of the weapon. The owner may then imbue the sword with a power of his choosing or need which is powered by the owner's spirit and the high magic ritual that created all the moonblades. A rune then appears on the blade to signify the power. The moonblade, in its final form, is a +6 weapon. The blade is effective against creatures subject to silver or cold iron weapons. The sword is intelligent (17) with a starting ego of (15) but has gained a point of ego after the death of each of its successive owners. The sword is generally of Neutral Good alignment but but has strong tendencies towards the alignment of the current and previous owner. The blade can communicate by speech and telepathy, ether from itself or one of its manifestations. It can speak Elvish and read Elvish and magical writing. The blade also speaks all the languages known by its previous owners. It can detect magic in a 10’ radius, Detect invisible objects/creatures in a 10’ radius and locate object in a 120’ radius.

Each time a moonblade is passed on, the moonblade itself decides whether to accept the new owner or not. The owner must be Elven, a member of its chosen Elven family if any still live, of good alignment, and act in a selfless and heroic manner. Major acts of cowardice, cheating, or lying will all count against an individual attempting to possess a moonblade.

If the moonblade does not accept a new owner, or if it is touched by a non-elf, the blade may choose to inflict 5d8 points of damage per round. If the blade is dormant or chooses not to react, it will perform as a long sword +1. Individuals of evil alignment must successfully save vs. death magic or be instantly slain. Even if the save is successful, the evil individual will feel intense pain, and will never be able to handle the blade again.


  1. Dreamwarning; the sword's owner receives a prophetic dream warning of danger within one day. The pommel stone will glow blue if danger is imminent, starting pale when the danger is within a turn and moving towards brilliant blue as it gets closer. The glow can be cancelled by the wielder at will.

Attempts to surprise the wielder are reduced by 5 on a d6 or 8 on a d10. 

Spending 2 hours within a radius of motes of moonlight allows the wielder to cast divination to garner one piece of advice for any event in the coming 7 days. Spending the time in revere or sleep allows for up to two pieces of advice each hour in the motes, but the information is hazier due to the dream state. 

    The sword is also imbued with Elven and Dragon melody that can be called forth on command, but often times the sword sings of its own accord, particularly when its owner is sleeping and dreaming. The words of the melody can only be heard in the owner’s dreams.

    When the Silver Dragon Khilat chose to ascend to serve Bahumat at the twilight of his life, he took the magic ring that contained the soul of his first wife, the Silver Dragon Halel, and sang a draconic ballad as part of the ritual to ascend. Lady Lyassa sang with him and the spirit of Halel who was released during the magic of Khilat's ascension song. Lady Lyassa, with the help of several high mages of the Khilat family, created a link between the moonblade and the ascending spirit. This seemed to be the best way for Khilat to continue to guide his elven and dragon family, since the elves do not establish a clan lair. He will always converse with any family member, elven or dragon, seeking his wisdom. Most silver dragons will approach in disguise, and only some of them will acknowledge the wielder as family. Khilat thinks highly of himself and that his role to provide wisdom is more important than the wielder's goals. He often loses track of time and will spend days, weeks and even months alone with the wisdom seeker. Khilat will offer advice and answer questions about the past at will. Silver dragons can detect Khilat when within 1 mile of the blade. 

The spirit of Khilat can awaken one innate dragon power in any of his descendants typically based on the dominate inheritance of either silver, deep or shadow dragon.

Rune: Music - on back.
    Feature: Khilat family symbol of shiny silver dragon over dull dark gray and crimson dragon cut out of the flared moon circle of the blade. The Silver dragon is typically on top, but they change positions at times, especially during warnings of danger or ominous prophetic dreaming. The dragons are highly detailed with gleaming gem chips for eyes. A single crystal clear King's Tear gem stone is mounted just above the symbol pointed side towards the sword tip, visible on both sides. 

    Rite: Lady Lyassa gathered a chorus of singers including two other Sisters of the Veiled Choir, three Starsingers specialized in divination, three male gypsy bards, three Song Dragons, and three male metallic dragon Dragon Singers, including a gold, bronze and the silver dragon Khilat, who's moonfire powered blood had already baptized the blade. Their music was accompanied by Ilyriciel’s Harp of Valantra. They sang in the Crystal Cave of Divination Veiled Cantoria where the crystals enhance divination spells. During the singing, the participants cast several types of divination spells, including Foresight and Vision, and clairsentient psionic abilities, including Precognition, All-Around Vision and Danger Sense, upon the sword. Lady Lyassa cast Foresight and Vision during a spellsinging ritual of high magic, while binding her spirit to the moonstone of the blade. 

  2. Speed (+3); The sword always strikes first in a melee round, even though some magic effect might have otherwise slowed the wielder’s speed or reaction time. Further, the wielder’s attacks per melee round are increased by one place; 1 attach per round is increased to 3 attacks every 2 rounds, etc. The Speed function only works while the sword in held for hand to hand combat, though it may be used to throw the blade.

Once per day, the sword can cast Haste to affect up to 12 allies within 40’ for 15 rounds. Alternately, the sword can cast Time Stop, causing all creatures, objects and spells within a 15’ radius shimmering sphere to freeze in time. The sword wielder gains 1d3 rounds to perform actions within the sphere. During the Time Stop a large hummingbird often appears within the sphere of effect. Once the Time Stop spell has completed, the sword will not be able to use the powers of speed, Haste or Time Stop for one month.

The blade itself routinely shifts back and forth through time with the appearance of a blur spell during hand to hand combat, making it difficult to parry with a -2 penalty. When the blade glows in the dark, this creates a strobe like effect. This effect can be disconcerting to the inexperienced wielder who watches the blade in combat instead of feeling and becoming one with the blade. 

    Rune: Time - on front. 

    Feature: 12 gem stones surround the Khilat family symbol on front and back in a circle of white gold. The top cardinal point is a clear King's Tear, the bottom cardinal point is a moonstone and the other two cardinal points are star sapphires, and the remaining stones are smaller cut diamonds. During a time stop, the stones will glow and turn off one by one to count the duration of time stop. Haste will light a number of stones equal to the number of allies affected, pulsing in a counter clockwise circle, starting fast and slowing until the spell expires. At all other times, a faint glow of one or two stones shows the hour of the day, while the moonstone shows the current phase of the moon.
    Rite: Lord Walian conducted his ceremony in the temporal disturbance of a time gate with the assistance of two other Knights Paradoxical; a Chronologian of Labelas Enoreth and a Temporal Champion Bard historian. All three cast Time Stop in the same area at the same time and once inside the sphere of stopped time, they cast Blur, Haste, Slow and Temporal Anomaly, while Lord Walian cast Temporal Stasis as he bound his spirit to the blade's moonstone. Lord Walian's familiar, a giant hummingbird, disappeared into the time stream. 

  3. Dancing (+4); the sword can be released into the air where it will attack of its own accord at the same level as its owner. The blade will typically fight bladesinger style, sweeping around like a whirlwind, but can choose other fighting styles known by its current or past owners. The owl style of bladesong includes silent strikes, and the blade can be completely silent while flying. The blade can fly at a rate of 40 with a maneuverability of class A, but will not typically move further away than it can return to its owner within 1 round, which becomes unlimited range with the teleport ability. If the owner falls in battle, the blade often rises and defends the body until aid can be rendered.

Flying flock; once per day, the wielder can cause one or more objects totaling up to 25 pounds to fly in complete silence for 1 turn. The wielder can choose to have the objects fly in a 450 foot range either slowly in sweeping arcs or move swiftly to strike like birds of prey. The striking objects can cause a total of 15 points of damage at which point the spell ends. Concentration is not required once the objects are flying in a general pattern, but they can be redirected at will. The power can't be used at the same time that the sword is dancing.

Once per round, the blade can generate a gust of wind from the tip of the blade. The wind forms a 10' round tube traveling up to 150'. 

The sword can become weightless at will and doesn't add any encumbrance when carried. The blade is often weightless during melee combat until just before the strike, requiring special training to wield it effectively. 

    Rune: Owl - on back. 

    Feature: Two owl wings of silver, gold and bronze extend from each side of the ricasso. The feathers are sharp and separated at the outer edge. In long sword form, the tines are 4 inches wide for a 10 inch wingspan. On the back side of the ricasso, the body of the owl is worked onto the blade in silver, gold and bronze work with two golden tiger's eye gemstones framed in platinum circles appearing like the owl's face. 

    Rite: Lady Aviel requested that three of Eilistraee's Sword Dancers bless her sword with a Sword Dance. Lady Aviel called a Moonbeam down into their midst while each dancer danced and cut themselves upon the blade to cover it in their blood and gain Eilistraee's favor on the moonblade. Once the blade began to glow with the goddess's moonfire, Lady Aviel lifted the blade into the air with telekinesis while the priests combined their powers in Spellsong to cast Bladedance upon it. As Lady Aviel bound her spirit to the blade, a Gust of Wind blew through the dancers and the illusory form of an owl passed from her to the blade. 

  4. Teleport; the blade can be thrown and will travel up to 300’, blinking as it travels. It can bypass barriers including walls and shields, but must have at least 1’ of space to materialize and hit. The blade can teleport to the hand of its owner at any time and across any distance, even in mid-throw or when held by another. 

Three times a day, the wielder can choose to Dimension Door 500 yards with up to 500 lbs of non living matter or 250 lbs of living matter. 

Once per month, the blade can teleport up to 400 lbs, always including itself and owner, up to 1000 miles distance to a place with a hospitable environment; typically in response to falling a great distance, but also when the blade or owner are in imminent danger of complete destruction. After teleporting its owner, the blade is unable to blink or teleport itself for 30 days.

When blinking, teleporting or opening a dimension door, wispy strands of purple and black forms around whatever is transported. The moonblade has a 50% chance to influence any magical portal that has a random nature. 

While dancing, the sword can blink around an opponent or even between multiple opponents. Due to the teleporting ability, the range limitation while dancing is greatly relaxed. 

    Rune: Travel - on back. 

    Feature: A thin spine of black adamantium runs up the center of the blade, starting just above the family symbol, running through the center of the broad fuller and extending to the very tip to form a pointed needle like punch. The base of the spine is set with a rainbow colored iridescent rogue stone that shows on both sides of the blade. The sharp tip of the spine is covered in a coating of glittering fine diamond dust. 

    Rite: Lord Feyfalcon had an adamantium dirk with a rogue stone pommel forged. He travelled to a dozen shrines to Shaundakul seeking a blessing from the Windwalkers by having them cast Shadow Sword while holding the dirk, and casting it himself when a suitable priest was not available. He took the dirk to Shaundakul's Throne in a Myth Drannor and cast Wind Blast to seek the god's favor. The Helping Hand appeared above the throne, accepted the offering of the dirk, and blessed the moonblade as Lord Feyfalcon empowered the blade with a portion of his spirit. 

  5. Spell Domination; The sword can detect when magic is gathering for release by spell casting, innate magic powers and magic released by trigger. Such magic can be detected when within 60' without the need of the wielder seeing the spell casting. The wielder becomes aware of the type of spell, or the exact spell if it is a spell known to the wielder. The wielder can attempt to redirect the spell to a new target within 60'. If the wielder chooses an illegal target due to some limitation of the spell, such as range, the redirect is ineffective and the spell completes normally. Magic cast farther away than 60' is not detected and can't be affected. Alternately, the sword can cast a specialized dispel magic to disrupt the spell up to once per day. 

Once per week, the sword can cast dispel magic at 15th level, but doing so will negate all dispel magic capabilities of the sword for 7 days. 

While holding the sword, it confers 10% magic resistance and +2 to all saving throws against magic. 

    Rune: Protection - on back. 

    Feature: A ring of 4 large cut Sunstones interleaved with 4 small deep blue Star Sapphires form a band around the handle portion of he pommel piece. 

    Rite: Lady Melodia gathered four Circle Singers of Hanali Celanil holding sunstones and four Minstrel's of Corellon Larethian holding star sapphires. She used High Magic to make the essence of magic perceptible to the senses (sight, smell, sound and feel) so that it could manipulated and directed. 

  6. Dweomer Drinker; The blade can absorb powers from other magic items, excluding expendable one time use items such as potions, scrolls, dusts and oils. The blade can absorb or store a total of 3 magic powers. On contact with a magic item, the blade can drain a charge from a charged item, or draw magic from a permanent item to replicate a single power, including pluses of armor and weapons. Charges can be drawn until an item is depleted, but absorbing powers from permanent items is limited to once per month, with the exception of willing intelligent magic items or items designed to further empower weapons. Intelligent magic items can agree to transfer powers as often as mutually agreed upon, or they can resist a transfer by making a saving throw; items failing their save have been known to scream in pain and react due to the assault. The sword has a 50% chance of success to absorb the innate magic abilities of creatures or powers from permanent magical areas, like mythals. Spell casters of any class are able to cast spells, including spells from scrolls or other storage mediums, into the blade for storage, but only when there is room and if the spell does not exceed 7th level.

A magical charge or “at will” power can be held and expended at any time, while absorbing and replicating a continuous power of another item will last for 1 turn. On a successful melee attack, any "at will" power with a casting time of 1 round can be discharged against the opponent though a saving throw may apply. Only one absorbed magic can be active at any time; use of an “at will” power will cancel a replicated continuous power prior to its regular 1 turn duration. The blade may not absorb a power at the same time it expends an “at will” power. It also can’t absorb powers from opponents whose magic has been scrambled for a round, so useful powers will always be selected for absorption on the first successful hit. The sword can detect magic at will out to 120’. The intelligence of the blade can identify the power it wants to borrow on behalf of the wielder. It can then warn its wielder of other powers of which to be wary.

Magic specifically designed to boost the powers of the sword, such as blessing a weapon, will have its duration doubled or extended to 1 turn, whichever is longer. There is no limit to the number of boosts that can be applied and extended, though some powers may not stack. These powers do not count against the number of powers that can be absorbed and held, but serves as a forth capacity for storage on a temporary basis. 

If the blade comes in contact with a new magic item when it is full, it can make room for a new magic by converting a previously stored power into magical healing of 1d6 for the wielder, which can exceed the wielder’s max hit point total, but the extra hit points will only be retained for 1 turn. Healing beyond the wielder's max hit points can erase scars and minor imperfections, and can eventually regenerate lost limbs. The conversion of magic by the sword generates a green glow, which also surrounds the wielder during the magically healing.

Magical attacks directed specifically and only at the blade can always be absorbed, and if their spell level exceeds 7th, the energy will be instantly converted to a healing green glow, which may be wasted if the weapon is not held at the time. Detection and scrying spells against the blade will always be absorbed and expended without revealing a green glow so as to detect nothing about the swords nature.

Wonder; if three powers are held in storage, the wielder can choose to expend all three at once to generate a random magic power similar to a wand of wonder. The magic will never directly damage the wielder, but my have unexpected consequences. Once this power is used, magic may not be absorbed for 7+1d4 days. 

    Rune: Drink - on front.
    Feature: Three large deep blue Star Sapphires interleaved with three smaller blue sapphires and again with six smaller Orblen stones, surround the moonstone in the pommel. Each Star Sapphire gem will have an internal glow if it holds a stored power, while the smaller sapphires glow when boosting temporary powers or converting powers to healing. Orblen crystals yield deep golden gems of large size that can be faceted or cabochon cut. The hue of this gem has earned it the nickname "honeystone". Orblen is know for amplifying healing spells. 

  7. Vorpal/Sharpness (+5); On command, the edge of the sword can activate a magic similar to chromatic blade. On a very high attack roll during hand to hand combat only, it will sever an extremity such as an arm, leg, neck tail, tentacle, etc. To sever an opponent’s head, a natural roll of 17+ is required for a normal/armored opponent, 18+ for giant sized opponents and a natural 19+ for stone or metal opponents. If the opponent doesn’t have a head, or the roll is insufficient to sever the head or severing an extremity has more advantage, then another available extremity will be severed. To sever an opponent’s extremity, a natural roll of 16+ is required for a normal/armored opponent, 17+ for giant sized opponents and a natural 18+ for stone or metal opponents. 

A natural 20 will allow the blade to shear through magical protections like Walls of Force or Stoneskin by temporarily absorbing the magic and turning it against itself, but in such cases only normal damage applies without the benefit of severing. The blade can be used to chop stone or metal objects, hacking through a foot of material every round. It can cut through softer materials even faster. 

A fine line of chromatically shifting light forms along the blade edge when the power is activated. The edge of the blade can destroy one layer of a prismatic sphere or prismatic wall after which the chromatic and severing powers of the blade will be disabled for 24 hours. 

Prismatic Spray; The tip of the blade can also emit a Prismatic Spray out to 70’, but doing so disables the chromatic and severing powers, and related functions for on month.

Dancing Lights; At will, the sword can generate up to 4 orbs of dancing lights in any color desired. They can move up to 200 yards away before winking out. 

    Rune: Rainbow - on front. 

    Feature: Cutting edge of the sword of 1/8 inch width has been turned to clear crystalline diamond with iridescent sheen. Near the very tip, above the slits, on each side of the adamantium spike are two small triangular chips of rainbow obsidian. Rainbow obsidian is an obsidian variety in which all colors save yellow are included in the black or gray base, sometimes in pronounced bands or spangles. Its magical use is as a pass stone for prismatic magics: It can pierce the various shells of such spells without ending them or suffering harm and can bring inorganic materials that it is fastened to with it. (In other words, a rainbow obsidian-tipped weapon could strike through a prismatic wall, but a living person or undead creature wearing a rainbow obsidian ring would not escape the normal effects of the prismatic magic.)

  8. Natures Friend; the wielder is naturally attuned to plants and animals within 1 mile, and has wilderness survival proficiency in the immediate terrain by observing the plants and animals. 

Animal Friendship; Up to 24 hit dice of natural animals of neutral alignment and animal intelligence can be attracted as companions. Wolves and dogs, rams, owls, hummingbirds and snakes are treated as half their actual hit dice, allowing twice the number to be attracted. All animal friends will become docile and follow the blade owner about unless the habitat is not suitable or the blade owner dismisses them. Neither will they attempt to harm each other while under the friendship influence. Natural animals not befriended generally behave as is the blade owner were not there; completely ignoring in most cases. Natural wolves will never attack the blade owner, even if not befriended.

Speak with Plants; The sword wielder can speak with plants on a very rudimentary level and exercise limited control over them such as causing thickets to part to allow passage, or vines to entangle pursuers.

Druid Spells; The wielder gains additional Druid spells in the plant and animal spheres as if they were one level higher than their current level, even allowing spells for a non-Druid as if they were first level.

    Rune: Nature - on front. 

    Feature: Fine lines of gold, electrum and bronze tracery form images of vines and woodland animals on the pommel piece between the gems near the handle. Small pieces of amber with leaves, flowers and insects are arranged on the vines. 

  9. Silver Shadow; The blade can manifest a ghostly image of a large grey wolf that serves as a companion. The wolf is typically only visible to the blade owner, but can become visible to anyone it chooses. The wolf can roam of its own accord anywhere within 5 miles of the blade, but may be sent to destinations of any distance at the request of the sword owner. The wolf leaves no trace of its passing, but can easily track any quarry.

Natural wolves in the area will automatically treat the wolf spirit as part of their pack and obey basic requests. Any Lythari will recognize the spirit as one of their own, and will render assistance to the wolf or blade owner as they see fit. If the sword is unattended, they will secure and defend the sword.

Once per week, the sword wielder may transform the wolf spirit into a semi-corporeal Elfshadow creature under the complete command of the wielder. The Elfshadow can easily shift between wolf and Elven form, appearing as the wielder or any of the past owners of the sword. The Elfshadow operates at the same level, hp, AC, etc. as the wielder, and can fight or take other actions for 2d10 turns, or until slain. The Elfshadow doesn’t have the magic items of its owner, but it can wield the Moonblade on its owner’s behalf. If slain, the wolf spirit returns to the sword, and cannot be summoned again for one week + 2d4 days.

If the owner is able to shapechange into animal form like a Druid, then one additional transformation per day may be made to assume a wolf form only. During this time the wolf spirit must merge with the owner and may not perform separate actions.

The sword itself has a wild shape ability. Whenever its owner changes shape, the magical powers of the sword will become part of the form, typically becoming part of a claw or the mouth, though other body parts typically used to attack are also suitable, including tails, tentacles, etc. Most powers are limited by the transformation, but melee powers such as moonglow, speed, and sharpness, typically remain available. Should the transformed owner be slain, the sword will always revert to its true form; even if the owner does not.

    Rune: Lythari - on back.
    Feature: The pommel has been altered to appear as a wolf head with the muzzle pointing towards the knuckles. The pommel stone is mounted on his head. The eyes are pale blue moonstones. 

  10. Seeking (+6); The sword veers towards its target, negating concealment penalties from invisibility, darkness, camouflage and hiding. This power is available during melee and when thrown.

Locate Object - The wielder can locate object within 120’ at will. Furthermore, the wielder can locate object once per week at any distance and if the object is protected from locating magic or located on another plane, it can find the last known location of the object prior to the protection. The wielder is made aware of the direction, distance and how long ago it was there.

Detection – The wielder can cast one of the following detection spells once per turn: Detect Charm, Detect Good/Evil, Detect Illusions, Detect Traps or Detect Undead.

True Seeing; Once per month, the wielder can see with True Seeing for one turn. 

    Rune: Eye - on front.

    Feature: Purple Cat's Eye gemstones serve as the silver dragon's eyes. While not a silver dragon trait, purple eyes are common in the Khilat family line due to Deep Dragon heritage. The stones glow a faint purple when the sword activates detection magic or true seeing. 

  11. Flame Tongue; upon command, the sword becomes sheathed in dancing golden radiance. The fire does not harm the wielder. The fire provides ++1 versus regenerating, ++2 versus cold based, inflammable and avian, ++3 versus undead. When activated, the flame illuminates the area as brightly as a torch. The flame easily ignites oil, burns webs, or sets fire to paper, parchment or dry wood. Successful hits inflict an additional 1d6 of fire damage. On a successful critical hit a burst of flame inflicts 1d10 more damage. 

Sunshine; once per day, the sword can intensify and shed a bright yellow radiance out to 60’ that is like full daylight. The light lasts 10 rounds. Creatures affected by sun light will be affected in the same manner by the swords light. Attacks against undead while the sword shines are at an additional ++2. 

    Rune: Fire - on front. 

    Feature: Two Phoenix wings made of magically tempered Fever Iron with iridium plating form tines on each side of the blade just above the owl wings. The Phoenix wings arc out and around the moon disk with the Khilat family emblem. A set of gemstones are mounted on both sides of each wing near the wing joint. Nearest the joint is a gleaming Sunstone, surrounded by an arc of Jacinth, followed by an arc of Fire Opal and Water Opal. Jacinth Flamegem is a fiery orange stone related to the sapphire and other corundum stones. At the heart of every jacinth a tiny flame flickers and dances—not enough to illuminate surroundings, but enough to be seen from afar. Brilliant orange red gems, Fire Opals are usually uniform in hue or contain golden or greenish flecks. Water Opal is a clear, translucent variety of opal with only a play of color to it, like oil on a clear puddle. The sunstone gems glow during daylight hours regardless if the sun is visible, even in the depths of the earth. 

  12. Spell-focus; spells can be cast through the sword with sword motions providing the somatic component and Elven song of the blade serving as the verbal component. Spell components valued less than 50 gp are provided by the sword, unless the component is the object of the spell. Spells cast through the sword have boosted effects as if cast at one level higher. Once per day, one variable aspect of a spell, such as damage or duration, can be increased by 50%. The sword must be held in hand at the beginning of the round that the spell is initiated, and can only be used in defense for the duration of the casting time. Spells cast through the sword have no impact on absorbed spell powers that are stored or used continuously.

Cantrips; A Cantrip spell is in continual effect allowing the wielder or sword to generate small magical effects one per round. This includes translucent illusions, lighting and snuffing candles, small puffs of wind, inflicting coughs and sneezes, etc.

    Tel’kiira; The blade has been linked to the Tel'Kiira of Khilat, loregem of the House of Khilat. If the sword owner also bears the Tel’kiira, the blade can convert any spell known to the spell caster to a spell of the same level recorded in the Tel’kiira, even if the wielder doesn't know the spell. If the Tel’kiira belongs to someone other than the sword bearer, then the two are telepathically linked and can perform highly coordinated actions, and the Tel’kiira owner can cast spells through the sword from a distance using standard casting times and normal verbal, somatic and material components; though never at the peril of the sword owner without mutual consent.

    Rune: Magic - on front. 

    Feature: Near the base, just inside the lighting bolts, are 5 dark metallic five pointed stars taken from the core of a living star fallen to the ground in the Star Mounts. The stars are visible on both sides of the blade on each edge. They naturally generate and attract electricity. The metal has a natural influence on magic and usually enhances it. 


Owned by: Chiliad Khilat