Cloak Clasp of Twilight

From House of Khilat

This cloak clasp is a brooch set with a translucent black stone that constantly churns and swirls like black smoke. The metal is black with an oily iridescent sheen. The back has two hooks to secure the front of a cape or cloak closed around a wearer's neck.


The clips on the back will magically secure any cape or cloak without damage, only releasing by the will of the wearer. Once secured to a cape or cloak, this brooch will enhance the cloak to provide powers similar to a Harper's Ring of Twilight. The clasp will work on normal or magical cloaks or capes, unless their magic automatically opposes each other.

The wearer can see in near darkness or gloom as well as if they were in a well lit room; even being able to read scrolls and maps. The wearer can easily see wraiths and other creatures of shadow.

On command, the wearer is covered by a mantle of dusky shadows created by swirling patterns of energy allowing the user to hide in shadows. The shadowy mantle will add to the length of the cape or cloak so that the wear is covered from head to two, including a hood to cover the head. Chance of success is as follows:

  • Darkness or gloom 85%
  • Shadows 75%
  • Light of a new moon 60%
  • Light of a full moon 50%

Even if the wearer is detected in the shadows, attackers suffer a -2 penalty to hit.

When the mantle of dusky shadows is active, the wearer is protected from exposure or cold, including the chilling touch of undead and magical cold, with a reduction in damage of 1 point per die.

Once per day, the wearer can assume an intangible shadow form for 10 rounds. An intangible character cannot be hit by normal weapons, but is affected normally by weapons with a + 1 or better magical bonus. An intangible character cannot physically attack, but may cast spells. Heat, cold, and electrical attacks (such as lightning bolt and fireball) affect an intangible character normally. The wearer can move through screens, pipes, and other narrow apertures at a 15-foot movement rate. All items carried while in phantom form are likewise rendered intangible.

Once per day, the wearer can dimension door up to 360 yards from one area of shadow to another. If the destination is not in shadow, then the transfer fails without wasting the power.

Once per week, the wearer can shadow walk for up yo 7 turns and up to 300 miles.


Owned by Chiliad Khilat

Chiliad tracked this set down in a private collection in Waterdeep and had it liberated as an Elven cultural treasure.