Teuvel'Khilat / Wounding

From House of Khilat

Dates: -8,406 to - DR (years)



Wounds inflicted by the sword do not easily close or heal, completely negating supernatural or magical healing.


Each round after a successful attack, one additional hit point of damage is accrued for each wound inflicted by the sword; 1 additional point of damage per hit. A critical hit causes 3 points of damaged per round. The magic of the blade keeps wounds open and bleeding for 1 turn after the last successful hit, after which the loss of the extra points automatically stop. Applying bandages to the wounds will immediately stop the ongoing loss.

Damage inflicted by the sword cannot be healed by regeneration. Only rest and time will allow inflicted wounds to heal, never by potion, spell, or other magical means short of a wish.

Life Stealing

The sword can drain a level (1 hit die for monsters without levels) and accompanying hit points and abilities when it strikes any opponent on a natural roll of 20. For multi classed opponents, only one class is affected, always the highest class, and the most specialized between classes of equal level. Animals and non-intelligent creatures are immune, but objects or creatures with spirits or souls are subject to this life loss. The power can be activated by touching an immobile opponent continuously for one round.

Levels drained from an opponent are transferred to the wielder, including hit points and class skills. Skills already possessed by the wielder, including spell casting and class based proficiencies, are increased by one level, while skills not previously known by the wielder a treated as if the wielder was first level of the drained class.

Levels drained are cumulative, but begin fading after 7 rounds from the last level drained, decreasing one level per round.




