Teuvel'Khilat - Nature's Friend

From House of Khilat

Dates: -8,406 to - DR (years)


Nature's Friend

Similar to a Commune With Nature spell, the wielder is attuned to nature in the area with a range of half a mile per level of the wielder. Each day, the wielder can learn one fact per level of experience about nature within the area of effect, as per the spell, including the presence of unnatural creatures or influence. The wielder gains the benefits of the wilderness survival proficiency in the immediate terrain by observing the plants and animals.

Locate Animals or Plants

One specific type of animal or plant can be located per round. A 20' wide path can be checked in a single round, and if the animal or plant sought is within 240 yards, the general distance will be known to the sword wielder.

The range is expanded to half a mile per level of the wielder when locating plant and animal friends/companions.


Similar to the Weathertell spell, the wielder can predict naturally occurring weather for the upcoming one hour per level, within the same range of half a mile per level.

Plant Friend

Plants and vegetable based creatures such as fungi, molds and plant like monsters will generally ignore the sword owner, failing to attack or trigger defensive mechanisms unless attacked first.

Speak with Plants

The sword wielder can speak with plants on a very rudimentary level, learning basic facts and history of events happening to the plant. Once per week, the wielder can speak with plants in order to exercise limited control over normal plants (not monsters or plant like creatures) such as causing thickets to part to allow passage, or vines to entangle pursuers.

Plant Friendship

Any plant like creatures with animal intelligence or lower can be friended after three months of habitual interaction. Such creatures can be trained within their nature to perform very simple tasks, such as obscuring enterances, not attacking certain animals or people, etc. Plant memories are very long, and such friendship can be renewed even after very great periods of separation, and will often survive plant reproductive processed involving division or budding, but not typically retained in new plants produced by seeds.

Animal Friend

Natural animals encountered will generally ignore the sword owner, failing to attack or trigger defensive mechanisms unless attacked first. When the owner is actively hunting, animals will be wary so chances of success will not be improved by the influence of the sword. Reaction rolls for natural animals are improved by 3 in favor of the sword owner.

Natural wolves and dogs, rams, owls, hummingbirds and snakes will never attack the blade owner, even when under magical compulsion.


  • Flame Tongue - Light from the blade will allow green plants to grow one inch per hour.

Lathander's blessing allows the wielder to use the light of the blade to cause plants to flower as if it was spring time.



Nature - on front. 


Fine lines of gold, electrum and bronze tracery form images of vines and woodland animals on the pommel piece between the gems near the handle. Small pieces of amber with leaves, flowers and insects are arranged on the vines. 
