
From House of Khilat

This Kiira lore gem is a quarter inch diameter star sapphire of brilliant blue hue with a six pointed silver star gleaming from its center.


The Kiira has the following powers, some requiring an intelligence check to access:

  • Will inflict a feeblemind spell once per turn with a save at +4 to avoid the effect to be permanent
  • Members of the Khilat family line must make 4 checks against 1/3rd of intelligence score to access full powers of the gem as marked with asterisks (*)
  • Can melt into the wearers forehead to become invisible
  • Mind-blank *
  • Increases intelligence by 1 point, up to 19 maximum.
  • Grants +2 to proficiency checks involving intelligence or wisdom *
  • Can be locked and unlocked
  • Learning spells and other knowledge based tasks are performed in half the time
  • 10 memories of up to an hour each *

The gem contains extensive spell casting knowledge. Magic users possessing the gem can gain enough knowledge to advance their spell casing ability by 2 levels.

The gem can store up to 200 pages worth of spells like a spell book: *


Owned by: Chiliad Khilat