Ravastina Joysword

From House of Khilat

Ravastina met Eriyin on an expedition to recover unique elven magic items. She quickly noted his fighting prowess and found that she could be very effective when fighting at his side. Though his Bladesong style was a bit unorthodox, she eventually sought him as her Bladesinger master. Later she learned that Eriyin was in fact Chiliad, a recognized master of the bastard sword, and clearly a master of Bladesong.


Homeland: Evereska

Residence: Falconflight Lodge, Evereska

Titles: Head Master of Bladesong, Knight of the Forgotten Flower


Class: Fighter 11th / Mage 10th (Bladesinger)

Weapon Proficiencies: Longsword

Weapon Style Proficiencies:

Non-Weapon Proficiencies:


Wizard Spells (10th): 4 4 3 2 2

Magic Items
