Khilat Moonblade - Silver

From House of Khilat

Dates: -8,406 to - DR (years)



The length of the blade frosts over with a fine layer of ice crystals.

Dispel Magic

Once per week, the sword can cast dispel magic at 15th level, but doing so will negate all dispel magic capabilities of the sword for 7 days.

Fire Resistance

While holding the sword, it confers 10% magic resistance and +2 to all saving throws against magic.




Ice - on back.


A ring of 4 large cut Sunstones interleaved with 4 small deep blue Star Sapphires form a band around the handle portion of he pommel piece.


When the Silver Dragon Khilat chose to ascend to serve Bahumat at the twilight of his life, he took the magic ring that contained the soul of his first wife, the Silver Dragon Halel, and sang a draconic ballad as part of the ritual to ascend. Lady Lyassa sang with him and the spirit of Halel who was released during the magic of Khilat's ascension song. Lady Lyassa, with the help of several high mages of the Khilat family, created a link between the moonblade and the ascending spirits. This seemed to be the best way for Khilat and Halel to continue to guide their elven and dragon family, since the elves do not establish a clan lair.