Jorin Allegro

From House of Khilat

Jorin has medium brown hair, dark brown eyes and a rather homely face. He has an excellent voice.


Race: Human

Homeland: Suzail, Cormyr

Residence: Singing Island

Titles: Harmonian Jorin

Patron Power(s): Milil

Jorin received a summons from Milil to gather a band of Milil’s faithful to join Chiliad on a quest to retrieve certain holy objects. Jorin now serves in the clergy of the Singing Island. He is very close friends of Dain Coda.


Class: Cleric 7th (Tuneservant)

Weapon Proficiencies: Staff, Mace

Weapon Style Proficiencies:

Non-Weapon Proficiencies (+3): Singing *, Musical Instrument (Harp) *, Artistic Ability, Reading/Writing, Spellcraft

Languages: Elvish, Common

Major Spheres: All, Astral, Charm, Creation, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning, Thought
Minor Spheres: Elemental, Sun, Weather, Travelers

Priest Spells (7th):

Magic Items

  • Staff-Mace
  • Handharp
  • Leather Armor +2
  • Totem Magic Amulet of Beast-Speaker (Brown Bear, Nightingale, Chipmonk)
  • 5 Singing Stones


  • Knights of the Harmonious Order
