Gem of Brilliance

From House of Khilat

This gem is a 2” long hexagonal prism that is clear through the center with the outside looking like gold, but careful examination will show that it is etched with very fine lines of gold under the surface of the gem. Looking through the gem has the odd effect that you can only look exactly straight through it, as a slight angle will block the vision.

When inserted into the handle of Sunstorm on top of the Gem of Brightness, it will click in and remain relatively secure.


Expending an additional charge from the gem of brightness will enhance the beam from the Gem of Brightness to narrow to pencil thin line out to 60’ striking one person or object.

  • Dazzling Ray (2 charge) emits a ½“ wide beam out to 60’ for 2d6 damage.
  • Nova Ray (6 charges) emits a ½“ wide beam out to 60’ for 7d6 damage.


Owned by: Hurin