
From House of Khilat

Pueo is a female Giant Owl. She will carry riders on occasion at Chiliad's request, or if they are very well known such as certain of Chiliad's friends, henchmen or followers.


Pueo is most comfortable flying, and will almost always choose a disguise at home in the air.


Puki is a wood elf with coppery skin, brown hair and large hazel eyes. She is very reserved and goes about her business very quietly. She has a soft voice and is full of wisdom. This is the guise she will use when she feels the need to enter buildings or locations with Demi-humans.

Chiliad has given her a necklace of elegance which automatically provides her with suitable attire. She will usually choose well made but simple clothing crafted from leather and suede, but can dress up when more formal attire is required.




Type: Giant Owl

Owner: Chiliad Khilat

Three special animal companions (Cathkeryn, Pueo, Sibyl) serve Chiliad like wizard familiars, performing small tasks, including house hold chores, guarding Chiliad in his sleep, and delivering messages.


Hit Dice: 5
Intelligence: High 13 (enhanced to 18)
Languages: Giant Owl, Common, Elvish, Gnome, Treant, Giant Eagle,

Familiar Enhancements

    • Mantle Protection when within 30’. Pay 1 hit point a day for a non-shared set of mantle spells (defensive and utility only) with no distance limit while on the same plane.
    • Mind Blank
    • Speak with Animals (owls)
    • Detect flesh within 30' 3/day for 1 turn
    • Speak with Animals (birds)
    • Change Self to change size +/- 25%, subtle body features, color, pattern/markings and cloths design at will.
    • Unseen Servant 1/day 3 turns + 1 turn per wizard level.
    • Speak with Animals
    • Comprehend Language 1/day
    • Alter Self to:
      • any tiny to small sized animal
      • Gnome, or similar tiny fairy being
      • any medium sized demi-human form when polymorphed
    • Speaks with a normal voice.
    • Intelligence 14
    • Charm Animal 1/week 1 HD of mammals per 2 wizard levels.
    • Polymorph to become a female wood elf 1/day 2 turns per wizard level. Includes cloths of cloth, leather and other organic materials; from plain to fancy design.
    • Intelligence 18
    • Dimension Door 1/day 200lbs
    • Cast 1 wizard spell and 1 priest spell per day. Must be within 30’ of kiira for 1 hour to gain spells.
    • Polymorph to the size of a roc with a 200' wing span 1/week 1 turn per wizard level.

  1. Speak with Animals (birds) 2/day
    Comprehend Language 1/day
  2. Speaks with a normal voice.
  3. Protection from Normal Missiles, 1/week
  4. Alter Self to any medium sized animal, or medium sized demi-human form when polymorphed. 1/day
    Polymorph to become a female wood elf 1/day 2 turns per wizard level.
  5. Intelligence increased to 18.

  6. Cast 1 wizard spell and 1 priest spell per day. Must be within 30’ of kiira for 1 hour to gain spells.

Magic Items

  • Necklace of Elegance and Protection +3