
From House of Khilat
Revision as of 15:13, 24 April 2015 by Chiliad (talk | contribs)

Pueo is a Giant Owl. He will carry riders on occasion at Chiliad's request, or if they are very well known such as certain of Chiliad's friends, henchmen or followers.


Type: Elven Cat

Owner: Chiliad Khilat

When Chiliad sought a special companion to serve as a kind of familiar, he summoned a cat. Cathkeryn arrived as a young kitten, but already exceptional and smart. She grew quickly over the next year, remaining a close and nearly constant companion.


Intelligence: Average 8 (enhanced to 12)
Languages: Elven Cat, Elvish, Gnome
Grants excellent night vision and hearing to Chiliad

Familiar Enhancements

  • Unseen Servant 1/day 3 turns + 1 turn per wizard level.
  • Speak with Animals (mammals) 2/day
  • Comprehend Language 1/day
  • Speaks with a normal voice.
  • Polymorph to become a female green elf 1/day 2 turns per wizard level.
  • Alter Self to any animal form or demi-human form when polymorphed. 1/day
  • Dimension Door 1/day 200lbs
  • Summon Animals 1/week 1d6 felines of 4HD or less.

Magic Items

  • Earring of Protection +3
  • Necklace of Elegance
  • Dagger of Concealment