
From House of Khilat
Revision as of 03:17, 8 November 2021 by Chiliad (talk | contribs) (→‎Stats)


Pueo is a female Giant Owl, from a burrowing ground owl species that is active both day and night. She is equally at home on the ground as well as flying. Her feathers are medium brown, light brown and white. She has large hazel eyes.
She is quiet, reserved, soft spoken and wise. She observe everything around her and often notices things others overlook.
She will carry riders on occasion at Chiliad's request, or if they are very well known such as certain of Chiliad's friends, henchmen or followers.


Patron Power(s): Sehanine Moonbow, Angharradh, Aerdrie Faenya, Lurue
When Chiliad sought a spirit guide to serve as his totem, Aerdrie sent a young owl to watch over him.
Chiliad’s special animal companions serve like wizard familiars, performing small tasks, including house hold chores, guarding Chiliad in his sleep, and delivering messages.


Class: Priest (Circle Singer/Starsinger) 7th - / Ranger (Explorer/Kingfisher) 7th / Bard (Loremaster) 5th
Hit Dice: 5
Intelligence: High 13 (enhanced to 18)
Languages: Giant Owl, Common, Elvish, Gnome, Treant, Giant Eagle,
Priest (7th+1): 3 3 3 2
Bard (5th+1): 3 2 (Wizardry 6 4)

Familiar Enhancements

    • Mantle protections when within 30’ of the kiira.
    • Mind Blank
    • Commune with Nature - personal radius of quarter mile
    • Speak with Animals (owls)
    • Detect flesh within 30' 3/day for 1 turn
    • Cast 1 wizard spell and 1 priest spell per day. Must be within 30’ of kiira for 1 hour to gain spells.
    • Speak with Animals (birds)
    • Change Self to change size +/- 25%, subtle body features, color, pattern/markings and cloths design at will.
    • Bigby’s Dextrous Digits 1/day 3 turns per wizard level
    • The number of wizard spells learned is doubled for 1st to 5th level spells.
    • Speak with Animals
    • Comprehend Language 1/day
    • Alter Self to:
      • any small to medium sized animal
      • Halfling (Tallfellow), or similar tiny fairy being
      • any medium sized demi-human form when polymorphed
    • Speaks with a normal voice.
    • Intelligence 16
    • Pay 1 hit point a day for a non-shared set of mantle spells (defensive and utility only) with no distance limit while on the same plane.
    • Protection from Normal Missiles, 1/week
    • Sing in harmony with anyone bound to the kiira
    • Polymorph to become a female wood elf 1/day 2 turns per wizard level. Includes cloths of cloth, leather and other organic materials; from plain to fancy design.
    • Intelligence 18
    • Cast offensive mantle spells on behalf of master.
    • Improved Invisibility 1/day
    • Spell Progression and Casting Level for Wizard and Priest spells are increased by 1 level.
    • Polymorph to the size of a roc with a 200' wing span 1/week 1 turn per wizard level.

Magic Items



Pueo is most comfortable when having the option to fly, and will almost always choose a disguise at home in the air.


This is the form she usually assumes when she needs to do tasks better suited to hands.
halfling, tallfellow
Puki has milky pale skin, grey brown curly hair, a long hooked nose and large hazel green eyes. She usually wears well made but simple stylish clothing crafted from soft linens, leather and suede.
Puki is industrious, quiet and cheerful. She has a soft cheerful voice when she chooses to speak. She is very attentive to everything going on around her. She is intelligent and often finds more efficient ways to organize and do her tasks.
Move: 6
She has webbed hands and feet, blue grey skin and her hair takes on a course look with a green brown color. She appears to wear a short speckled brown tunic and stiff skirt, but these are actually short stiff water-repellent brown feathers. When in water she has gills on her neck. She is equally at home in fresh or salt water.
Move: 6, Sw 12


This is the guise she will use when she feels the need to enter buildings or locations with Demi-humans.
wood elf
Pualani has coppery skin, wavy brown hair and large hazel eyes. She usually wears well made but simple clothing crafted from leather and suede, but can dress up when more formal attire is required.
She is very reserved and goes about her business very quietly. She has a soft voice and is full of wisdom. She’ll often have a far-off look to her eyes when her immediate attention is not required.
Move: 12
On rare occasions, she will sprout soft downy white wings and take the appearance of an Avariel while retaining her Wood Elf features. She is as graceful in the air as you would expect any elf to be. She is incredibly agile and capable in aerial battle, perhaps as only a bird of prey and natural born flyer can be.
Move: 9, Fl 18 (C)
This hybrid form has owl like features, having an owl-like face with oversized hazel eyes, a sharp beak, and ears at the top of her head, feathered wings for arms, a feathered tail and bird-like taloned feet. Most often, her appearance will resemble a snowy owl, but she can choose feather colors matching her natural ground owl plumage.
She is far more aggressive in this form, but remains silent and uses the element of surprise as often as possible. She is much more graceful and agile than this awkward hybrid form will lead opponents to expect.
Move: 9, Fl 18 (C)


While this form is sometimes used for combat, more often Ruk serves as a winged mount or carries large objects in her talons.
Ruk has hawk like features and a 120 foot wingspan. Her plumage is dark brown which creates a foreboding silhouette against the sky.
Move: 3, Fl 30 (D)


Aowyn has the head, upper torso and forelegs of a giant bald eagle and the torso and hind legs of a horse. She has wings of golden brown feathers reaching a wingspan of 25 feet. Her beak is bright yellow with a black hook at the end. Her eyes are bright grey blue. Her wings blend into the speckled brown flank with a long flowing tail golden hair.
Move: 18, Fl 36 (C, D if mounted)
Aowyn has the head, upper torso and forelegs of a giant bald eagle and the torso and hind legs of a lioness. She has wings of golden brown feathers reaching a wingspan of 25 feet. Her beak is bright yellow with a black hook at the end. Her eyes are bright grey blue. Her wings blend into the dusky gold hind with a long tail ending in a fluff of golden hair.
Move: 12, Fl 30 (C, D if mounted)


This is the guise she will use when accompanying Chiliad into civilization, particularly high class.
elven hawk
Talynn is sleek and has blue grey plumage. She has piercing sky blue eyes. Active and alert, she keeps herself carefully groomed with never a feather out of place.
Move: 1, Fl 39 (B)
peregrine falcon
Move: 1, Fl 36 (B)


Wai is a large emperor penguin with typical black and white coloring, bright golden ear patches, metallic-looking pale golden neck and breast, and bright blue feathered eyebrows cresting above her deep black eyes. She can have gills on her neck to stay underwater indefinitely.
Move: 1, Sw 18


While Pueo can assume the shape of nearly any creature from small to large size, she has a number of standard forms she has perfected and routinely assumes.




  • gecko - Brown speckled scales.
  • iguana - Green 12, Cl 6
  • snake, winged 12, Fl 18 (B)
  • toad 6, Sw 9