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Shadow is a small female [ wolf] with dark grey fur and blue grey eyes. She often follows Eriyin around, as this is her typical guise when accompanying Chiliad in his Eriyin alias.  
Shadow is a small female [ wolf] with dark grey fur and blue grey eyes. She often follows Eriyin around, as this is her typical guise when accompanying Chiliad in his Eriyin alias.  

She usually remains aloof, but stays close enough to come to immediate aid to Eriyin. She is quiet but can present a display of ferocity if she danger or ill intent via ESP.  
She usually remains aloof, but stays close enough to come to immediate aid to Eriyin. She is quiet but can present a display of ferocity if she senses danger or ill intent via ESP.  

She can enlarge to the size of a dire wolf when engaging in combat by Eriyin’s side.
She can enlarge to the size of a dire wolf when engaging in combat by Eriyin’s side.

Revision as of 23:12, 22 November 2020

Cathkeryn has silver grey hair with dark grey stripes. Her eyes are blue grey. She is much larger than typical for her species, weighing around 20 lbs.

She is very cat like in all her forms. She’s lazy when she can be, but often playful or affectionate. She uses her ESP ability to gage the intent of others and is very protective of Chiliad and her companions.


CathKeryn has learned to assume a variety of alias' in order to follow Chiliad to various locations.


Kit is a petite female forest gnome with grey green skin, round pug nose, long curly brown hair and bright green eyes. She prefers to wear layers of cloths with rich browns and deep greens with spots of floral color. The clothing will be utilitarian with various pockets and pieces to assist with her current tasks.

Kit is fairly quiet, often humming, singing or trilling as she goes about her business. She can be very affectionate with her companions, often liking to cuddle. She likes to make little games of her tasks and is fairly playful as she goes about her work. She has developed basic craftsmanship skills and enjoys solving puzzles and problems, and likes to sew, mend, tinker and repair.

This is the form she usually assumes when she needs to do tasks better suited to hands.


Kari is a green elf, with a very slight build. She has medium brown skin, bright green eyes and light brown hair with an undertone of green. She will choose clothing suitable to her surroundings, including sleek evening dresses for performances, but will dress more like a green elf when alone in the forest or in private with Chiliad, wearing scant clothing with beads and feathers for decoration.

Her personality is very cat like, often easily distracted by activity, but very intense when something gains her attention. She likes to toy and tease those around her. She has no problem showing off her feminine assets to befuddle or distract others. She can maintain a sense of decorum during performances, either relaxing to the point of appearing disintrested or showing mild adoration for Chiliad. When she wishes to use it, she has an excellent singing voice.

Her Kari form is the guise she will often use when attending Chiliad’s performances in formal settings such as theaters or noble courts. She makes very judicious use of this form due to limits on its use.


Kali is a winged cat or tressym. She has dark green grey eyes and large easy to see fangs. Her fur and feathers are typically black, but she can change color to match her surroundings.

Typical of a cat, she is playful and curious. She likes to scout, stalk and hunt. She stalks small critters for entertainment, but only kills for food.

Kali has three sizes, small as a large domestic cat, larger like a bobcat and largest as a panther. This form is usually assumed for combat or hunting, so the larger panther forms are most often seen. The smaller tressym form is used for flying, but she gladly hitches a ride with better flyers when the opportunity presents. She flies at a rate of 18 with maneuvering class A in the small form and up to 30 in the larger form with maneuvering class of B reduced to C when mounted.

She can assume the smaller form at will, but the larger two forms can only be assumed once a day each. She is able to reduce to a much smaller form, but flying becomes extremely hampered so she doesn’t bother.


Shadow is a small female wolf with dark grey fur and blue grey eyes. She often follows Eriyin around, as this is her typical guise when accompanying Chiliad in his Eriyin alias.

She usually remains aloof, but stays close enough to come to immediate aid to Eriyin. She is quiet but can present a display of ferocity if she senses danger or ill intent via ESP.

She can enlarge to the size of a dire wolf when engaging in combat by Eriyin’s side.


Kiki is a large otter with sleek grey brown fur and intelligent black eyes. She is equally at home in fresh or salt water and can have a set of gills allowing her to breath underwater indefinitely. She can swim at a rate of 18 in this form.

She can enlarge to the size of a giant otter when that form proves useful underwater.


While Cathkeryn can assume the shape of nearly any animal from tiny to medium size, she has a number of standard forms she has perfected and routinely assumes.




  • Iguana - Green 12”, Cl 6”
  • Salamander 6”, Sw 6”
  • Toad 6”, Sw 9”


Type: Elven Cat

Owner: Chiliad Khilat

When Chiliad sought a special companion to serve as a kind of familiar, he summoned a cat. Cathkeryn arrived as a young kitten, but already exceptional and smart. She grew quickly over the next year, remaining a close and nearly constant companion.

Three special animal companions (Cathkeryn, Pueo, Sibyl) serve Chiliad like wizard familiars, performing small tasks, including house hold chores, guarding Chiliad in his sleep, and delivering messages.


Hit Dice: 3+6 <br\> Intelligence: Average 8 (enhanced to 16)
Languages: Elven Cat, Elvish, Gnome
Grants excellent night vision and hearing to Chiliad

Elven Cat Powers

  • Stealth
    • move silently 99.9%
    • hide in wilderness 90%
    • +5 to surprise opponents

Magical abilities as 9th-level spellcaster.

  • Limited ESP used to determine intent.
  • Enlarge 1/day (doubles Hit Dice and damage)
  • Reduce 2/day
  • Trip 1/day
  • Tree 2/day (assume the form of a tree’s limb)

Familiar Enhancements

Powers granted by the Teuvel'Kiira'Khilat

    • Mantle Protection when within 30’. Pay 1 hit point a day for a non-shared set of mantle spells (defensive and utility only) with no distance limit while on the same plane.
    • Mind Blank
    • Commune with Nature - personal radius of quarter mile
    • Speak with Animals (felines)
    • Bigby’s Dextrous Digits 1/day 3 turns per wizard level
    • Intelligence 10
    • Speak with Animals (mammals)
    • Change Self to change size +/- 25%, subtle body features, color, pattern/markings and cloths design at will.
    • Pass without Trace 1/day 5 rounds per wizard level.
    • Intelligence 12
    • Speak with Animals
    • Comprehend Language 1/day
    • Alter Self to:
      • any tiny to small sized animal
      • Gnome, or similar tiny fairy being
      • any medium sized demi-human form when polymorphed
    • Speak with a normal voice.
    • Intelligence 14
    • Charm Animal 1/week 1 HD of mammals per 2 wizard levels.
    • Sing in harmony with anyone bound to the kiira
    • Polymorph to become a female green elf 1/day 2 turns per wizard level. Includes cloths of cloth, leather and other organic materials; from plain to fancy design.
    • Intelligence 16
    • Cast offensive mantle spells on behalf of master.
    • Dimension Door 1/day 200lbs
    • Cast 1 wizard spell and 1 priest spell per day. Must be within 30’ of kiira for 1 hour to gain spells.
    • Polymorph into a greater winged cat. 1/week 1 turn per wizard level.

Magic Items

  • Necklace of Elegance and Protection +3